Thursday 3 November 2011

Consumers like marketing emails

Consumers are responding more favourably to email marketing than ever before, new DMA research reveals.

The 2011 DMA/fast.MAP Email Tracking Study, produced in conjunction with Alchemy Worx, credits improved segmentation and better targeting for this surge.

Consumers welcome marketing emails from brands they trust.

More consumers find the marketing emails they receive are of interest.

In 2010, one in 10 of consumers said that 50% or more or emails they received were of interest. In 2011 this went up to one in three consumers.

The study also reveals that consumers are signing up to receive regular emails in ever-greater numbers.

And 50% of consumers report that they now receive 20 or more emails from brands they trust every week.

There were also some surprising findings. Only 3% of consumers normally pick up their emails on a smartphone and the majority (61%) don’t check or use email at work.

The annual Email Tracking Study surveys 1,800 UK consumers to monitor their perceptions, experiences and responses to email marketing.

The study provides insight for marketers by comparing its results gathered in preceding years to highlight new and prevailing trends within the email marketing sector.

Chris Combemale, executive director at the DMA, says:

“The massive rise over the past year in the number of emails that consumers report as being of relevance to them is a direct consequence of improved targeting and segmentation techniques, as well as a greater understanding of the kinds of content that are appealing.”

If you would like to recieve samples of some targeted HTML email campaigns CFL have produced for their clients, please email or call 01225 782669.

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