Tuesday 19 April 2011

New guide challenges outdated views of door drops

80% of the top UK advertisers still use door drops!!

A new Users’ Guide to Door Drop Marketing by the DMA Door Drop Council challenges common misconceptions about the medium. Drawing on research, it shows that door drops boost awareness of a product or service and are rated higher for ROI than online, press, TV and radio.

Mark Davies, DMA Door Drop Council member and MD, TNT Post (Doordrop Media) Ltd says: “Recent door drop campaigns have achieved some of the best ROI results ever, proving that consumers continue to engage with this increasingly sophisticated medium.”

With smaller units of geography becoming available, door drops are a precisely targeted and accountable media, allowing marketers to tailor the campaign to fit within radio or television catchment areas, sales regions or an organisation’s retail territory.

CFL Marketing have recently organised a number of door drops for a national bowling company as well as one of the UK's largest pub chains.

Phil Martin, Marketing manager CFL Marketing said "We are seeing an increased demand of door drop distribution, and providing done in the correct way can return a compelling ROI, especially when used as part of an integrated marketing campaign. That said we would still see personalised direct mail much more responsive"

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