Thursday, 5 January 2012

DMA Report: Promoting to the Mobile Consumer

A recent study conducted by DMA and sponsored by Velti surveyed consumers across four countries and indicates that promotional marketers face both opportunities and issues when tackling the mobile consumer.

Consumers are generally open to promotional offers, but they have very clear preferences about where they want to receive them and the type of offers that they like. Getting the right pitch into the right channel will therefore have a positive uplift on marketing performance.
Key findings from this research indicate that there are both opportunities and issues facing promotional marketers as they look to tackle the mobile consumer:

• British and American consumers are different to those in Germany and France. In the UK and the USA, there is a strong appetite for preference-based offers (75 per cent and 72 per cent respectively) and very low levels of resistance to getting offers (5 per cent in both countries). In Germany and France, offers based on likes and dislikes also have the greatest traction, but at a lower level (46 per cent and 50 per cent respectively). There are also far more consumers in these countries who want no offers at all (22 per cent).

• Three quarters of consumers regularly pass on offers to friends and family - this would rise even higher in the UK and USA if there was an incentive to do so.

• Online promotional sources have been widely adopted, with Groupon taking the highest share (60 per cent of consumers in France use it, 52 per cent in the USA and 45 per cent in Germany). In the UK, My Voucher Codes maintains an advantage, at 42 per cent using compared to 35 per cent for Groupon.

• Printing vouchers remains the primary mechanism for redeeming offers in the UK and USA (71 and 75 per cent), but using discounts in online shops has overtaken print in Germany (56 per cent compared to 49 per cent). Half of British and American consumers are also redeeming offers online.

• Mobile redemption is growing steadily, at between 16 per cent in the UK, 17 per cent in USA, 18 per cent in Germany and 24 per cent in France. Mobile consumers are still principally using email to opt-out of promotional marketing (77 to 80 per cent) rather than SMS (18 to 28 per cent).

• There is still a task for brands and network operators to demonstrate to consumers the benefits of receiving promotional marketing and gaining permission to do so. In the UK and the USA, acceptance rates for promotional marketing received over mobile are lower than for promotions in general. Over time, willingness for these offers to be promoted via the mobile channel is likely to rise.

• While advertisers have a significantly higher level of preference over network operators when it comes to sending offers, this may be because networks have left a promotional gap - at best, only half of consumers in France have been promoted to by their operator in the last month, falling to one third in Germany and less than a quarter in the UK and USA.

Click Here to see the full Report -

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