Tuesday 3 January 2012

Top retailers need to focus on email basics

There are many areas of email marketing that retailers need to work on, according to Silverpop’s 2011 Top 100 Retailers Study.

More than 20% of the UK’s top retailers send no emails in the first 30 days after opt-in. This could lead to new subscribers forgetting about the retailer and why they wanted to interact with them in the first place.

Silverpop also found that UK retailers are not making the most of opt-in and opt-out opportunities.

Although 97% of retailers who have an email programme placed the opt-in on the homepage, half of them placed it at the bottom of the page.

Email opt-ins should appear throughout the website, according to the study. New site visitors coming from search engines or social media sites won’t necessarily land on your homepage.

Marketers need to go where their customers are, says the study and encourage opt-ins in all those places. For example, SMS opt-ins from offline advertising and billboards or email opt-in forms on the retailer’s social media pages.

Only 27% of UK retailers offer consumers the choice to receive fewer emails or messages through other channels at the opt-out stage. Giving the subscriber more options could help avoid them hitting the unsubscribe button.

CFL are experts in building Email Marketing campaigns for our leisure and retail clients

Please see our best practice guide below


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