Thursday 12 July 2012

5 Ways to Engage New Social Media Followers

Getting new social media followers is always a good sign for a company that is trying to grow their influence and reach new customers. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to engage social media followers. If you don’t do anything but add followers to your list, approve comments and give “likes” on your own posts, you’re missing out on all that social media can bring your organization. There are five ways to engage new social media followers across the board. No matter what social media platform you’re concentrated on, you can use these tips to get better engagement levels and build a community.

Social media isn’t just about broadcasting your message. You also need to listen to your followers as well. This will help you figure out what they are interested in so you can share accordingly. Make it a point to create lists on Twitter or Facebook that target specific types of ideal clients. Use those lists to monitor conversations and take note of what your market is actively discussing. Not only will this help you engage with your audience, but you’ll find new opportunities to share and connect with them.

Use surveys to target social content
Surveys can be a wonderful tool in engaging social media followers. Everyone loves to share their opinion! By using surveys as part of your social media activities, you can get your followers involved with your company and pinpoint exactly what they want to know. Direct new social media followers to a standard (and short) survey. Not everyone will participate but there will be enough people responding that you’ll get a good idea of what will help keep and engage your audience.

 Actually be social
So many business use social media as a broadcast medium only. By being social with your followers, you’ll make an impact and set yourself apart from the competition. Engage in a dialogue! Ask questions of your followers and respond to their comments and questions. Don’t ignore what they have to say – or they won’t be fans and followers for very long.

Curate and share
No one wants to spend time with a person in real life who talks about themselves all of the time. The same goes for social media usage. You’ve got to vary your own social media updates with content from other people. Re-Tweet and Share content that comes from other sources. Not only will your followers appreciate the broad variety of content that you offer, they’ll also be more likely to share your content.

Build a strong content marketing foundation
Your social media usage is just a small part of what you have to offer. It’s a tool – not a be all and end all platform. Twitter, Facebook and Google+ usage are going to be a whole lot more useful if you have some great content to back it up. Blog posts, email marketing newsletters, videos and infographics will round out your social media marketing efforts and give your followers the value they are looking for.

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  1. Great blog. Thank you for sharing it's really useful post. Social media is the best way in marketing/promoting sites and it's a big help to get a visitors also....

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  2. Social media has been around for quite some time - people have been interacting through digital means for more than thirty years. It is only now that it has become so entrenched in people's lives that there are exciting new implications for marketing.

    Online Fundraising
