Friday 6 July 2012

Firms failing to integrate their marketing

Companies are failing to integrate email with other channels, according to Econsultancy’s Cross-Channel Marketing Report, published in association with Responsys.

Only 29% are integrating email with direct mail, 24% with search engine marketing, 14% with display advertising and 14% with mobile marketing.

And, while around half (49%) of companies integrate mobile into broader marketing campaigns, of these, 35% say integration is very basic.

Most businesses are still in the early stage of developing an integrated approach to marketing, with 25% of companies saying that a lack of a clearly defined strategy was the greatest barrier to developing an integrated approach to their marketing.

Marketers are most likely to be integrating on-site content management (44%) and search engine marketing (37%) with display advertising.

Integrating display advertising with online channels increases conversion rates – 70% of companies integrating search engine marketing saw a rise in conversions while 55% said mobile led to an uplift.

The report is based on a survey of more than 650 companies and agencies, carried out in April and May 2012.

For more information on how CFL can aid you in integrating Email Marketing with other channels, please see the presentation below.

1 comment:

  1. When traditional mailshots are printed there are often several people in the approvals process and more doing the fulfilment - extra pairs of eyes that would pick up the problems before they leave the building.

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