Thursday 12 July 2012

The CFL Media Console - Dynamic Database Management

From a database of hundreds to a database of hundreds of thousands, CFL have both the knowledge and capacity to handle all your database requirements.
Even if you have no database, our skilled client services team will custom build a solution to meet your needs. All our databases are run through PAF software to clean any incomplete addresses, and regularly checked for duplications to minimise wastage. They are checked regularly against the MORT file, which removes deceased records, the MPS and TPS file (mailing/telephone preference service) which removes those who have opted out of specific lists, and the Goneaway Suppression file.

We do all this to ensure you have the best data possible at your fingertips for your marketing campaigns.

Using one of our latest products - The CFL Media Console - we can handle all aspects of E-Marketing. The Console gives the user online access to their venue database form which they can choose to:

  • Input and view your data
  • Mass Data Upload
  • Segment and catagorise your data
  • Send an SMS broadcast to all or selected parts of their database.
  • Set up two-way interactive campaigns such as text-to-win competitions.

CFL can also send out 1 off high volume SMS broadcasts from a given database using the console.

The console is a complete online database management system covering all aspects of direct marketing

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