Thursday 10 March 2011

CFL ahead of the game with their email marketing click through rates

According to the a recent report. SMEs achieved open rates of over 18 per cent with their email marketing last year, a report shows.'s UK Email Marketing Benchmark Report also found that SMEs achieved a click-through rate of 3.29 per cent.

Restaurants showed the strongest performance, with an 28.19 per cent average open rate and a 6.64 per cent click-through rate.

Email marketing has become an established way for restaurateurs to engage directly with their customers and many are using it alongside social media activities to drive customers into their branches

Phil Martin, Marketing Manager, at CFL commented "we are seeing a similar trend, for one of our restaurant chain clients that we recently ran an email campaign for, we achieved a large click through rate of over 22% across their estate,

I think this is testament to our database expertise and the use of "warm" data coupled with our knowledge of email best practice, HTML template building, analytics, creative and marketing messages. In fact across all of our clients accounts we average a 21% click through rate.

Our best result this year was for a racing track which achieved a huge 33% open rate and 51% click through.

When this is used as part of an integrated marketing campaign, using different marketing mechanics, this is where you see a real benefit

According to the study, which is based on the results of over 500 million email campaigns sent by UK companies, the biggest growth in performance over the year was in the business to business sales sector.

The news comes just weeks after a study by integrated communications agency Rocket found that email marketing is more effective at brand building and boosting sales than social media.

Contact CFL to see how we can grow your business via email marketing as part of an integrated marketing campaign- or call 01225 782669

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