Wednesday 2 March 2011

Simple Mobile Marketing Works!

For marketers, mobile technology is a dream come true. We are able to send the right offer to the right consumer, at just the right moment: the point of decision.
Research firm Gartner notes that mobile marketing promotions typically earn responses in the 5% to 20% range, and often higher, especially when the offers are personalised using purchase data. 

Mobile Marketing doesn't have to be complicated. Many people assume that the key to mobile marketing is developing a sexy app for smartphone users, but getting started can be a lot simpler than that. Virtually any mobile phone can accept text messages.

Coupon offers are effective. Two out of three consumers say that coupon offers are the most effective way to reach them, and today's paperless coupon technology is the best way of issuing coupons to mobile users. 

Mobile offers a range of new capabilities as well, including location-based services and barcode scanning, which gives marketers the ability to reach consumers at the moment of choice when purchase decisions are being made.

The greatest power of mobile promotion is the ability to reach people who have expressed an interest in hearing from you. Basing offers on past purchase behavior is an ideal strategy. This means integrating mobile marketing with your loyalty program.

For retailers, the real upside is in collaborative programs that combine loyalty data and insights, and reach consumers via multiple digital channels to build sales and loyalty for both sides.

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