Tuesday 5 July 2011

Direct mail drives digital response

Direct mail plays an important role in integrated campaign, according to one industry expert.

Writing on uktalkmarketing.com, Luke Griffiths, vice-president of client services at e-Dialog said that although future lies in digital marketing, print is still extremely effective.

He went on to say that email marketing and other digital influences have encouraged advances in direct mail.

A recent Mail Media Centre report backs this up with some encouraging figures on how direct mail works with digital activity.

The report reveals that direct mail can help online search – 58% of people said they were more likely to click on a search link for a company if they’re received something in the post.

And 67% refer to physical mail when searching for a new product or service online.

Direct mail can also improve the performance of other channels. For example, the TV component of campaigns is 37% more effective when direct mail is in the media mix. In the report Tess Alps, chief executive of Thinkbox says: “Direct mail can satisfy those appetites that TV provokes.”

Direct mail has seen its ROI level rise steadily over the last three years, a trend credited to improved targeting.

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