Monday, 28 February 2011

7. Things to remember when email Marketing.

1. First things First - Always test your email!!!
Be sure to test your email thoroughly, in as many email classes as possible, not only to ensure that your email looks pleasing to the eye , but also to confirm that it will land in people’s inboxes and not their spam filters.

2. Simple is often better!
Make your design clear and your point obvious. Don’t rely too heavily on images, as these are often not displayed by default and can cause issues with spam filtering. Keep text concise and include links to your website; people will rarely read an essay in their inbox.

3. Branding is important!
keep your branding consistent. This could be as simple as choosing the right colour scheme for your email or including a logo.

4. Not everyone will want to hear from you!
There are many reasons why it’s a bad idea to contact people who haven’t said that they want to hear from you. Permission marketing will achieve a much higher click rate. If you don’t have the agreement of your subscribers, don't send them emails. Simple as that.

5. Don’t bombard people with emails
Emailing your subscribers too frequently will often result in them unsubscribing. A good rule of thumb is to contact someone no more than once a week.It can often be effective to establish a regular sending routine, this will build anticipation in your subscribers and have them looking forward to hearing from you.

6. What about after you click send?
Sending your email is really just the beginning. Once it’s out there you can begin to see how people are engaging with your email and brand. Using simple analytic tools you will be able to see open rates, click through rates, what links were clicked, forward rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, how many times the email was opened, who opened it and when they last opened it.

7. Enticing Subject Line
The email subject should be fairly short, not too sales led but be intriguing enough for the recipient to open it, you could insentivise or personalise the subject line.

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