Wednesday 12 January 2011

CFL Join the Institute of Promotional Marketing.

CFL are pleased to announce they have joined the IPM (The Institute of Promotional Marketing)
The Institute of Promotional Marketing is the trade body which represents the interests of promoters, agencies and service partners engaged in promotional marketing.
They have some 300 members, drawn from brand owners, marketing agencies and service partners, and their mission is to protect, promote and progress effective promotional marketing across all media channels.
The IPM act as the voice of promotional marketing, working alongside other marketing bodies to ensure that  members’ interests are properly represented in Whitehall, Parliament and in Europe.
Institute representatives also serve on various industry committees, such as the Committee of Advertising Practice, the body which is responsible for writing the rules which underlie the UK’s self-regulatory system for marketing.
Phil Martin, Marketing Manager of CFL Said: We are very pleased to be working with the IPM, we hope we can help to to promote promotional marketing and its benefits to organisations and to the regulatory authorities. It is essential organisations are educated in best practice and in the effectiveness and versatility of a wide range of promotional marketing techniques. We hope the assosiation with the IPM will help to further progress and grow our business.

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