Monday 31 January 2011

Few brands are highlighting other communication channels when consumers unsubscribe from email marketing messages

Many of the UK's top brands are neglecting social media in their email marketing process, according to a new study by Return Path.

The research found that the vast majority of companies are not offering customers to chance to sign up to their social media efforts when they unsubscribe from email marketing messages.
Only one brand out of the 47 examined for the research highlighted alternation communication channels - RSS or widgets linking to Google and Yahoo - as part of the unsubscribe process.

None suggested that consumers could receive messages on social networking sites or via mobile marketing, the research found.

Email marketers shouldn't view unsubscribing customers as being uninterested in their brand; rather they should see it as a new opportunity to communicate with them in a different way.

Focusing on a subscriber's preferences can help increase open rates by 30 per cent.

CFL offer a full email marketing solution that can be used to support all aspects of Direct Marketing. To see how you can utilise a fully integrated marketing campaign, contact us on or log on to 

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