Wednesday 5 January 2011

Email marketing is the most profitable digital channel...

Email marketing is the most profitable digital channel for 38 per cent of brands, a new study shows.
According to the research by EpiServer, which was carried out at this year's ad:Tech conference, company websites and blogs were most profitable for 21 per cent of the marketers questioned.

A further 16 per cent said Facebook drew the highest return on investment (ROI), placing it Just ahead of mobile marketing.

Aonther recent study from StrongMail found that email marketing will be key for brands next year.
The research revealed that 65 per cent of marketers expect to increase their spend on email marketing, while 57 per cent also said they would boost their investment in social media.

CFL have been providing an email marketing service for a number of years. For information on how email marketing can boost your business feel free to contact us on or give us a call on 01225 705582

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